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"I decided to be happy,
because it's good for my health."
'Live a meaningfull Happy Healthy Life' starts here right now

Pragmatic Counselling, Coaching & Training based on Expertise
for All wishing to maintain or improve their Health situation

Meet Olivier De Breucker

LIVE THE CONNECTION Counsellor, Coach and Trainer

We live all our life thinking it is/was meant to be that way. 
When we take the time to dig into our actual and past life and that of our (grand)parents, and consider our role in the overall result, this leads us sooner or later to overcome the fear of the unknown and to discover a new world which changes us for a lifetime. Like pealing an onion, this requires courage and takes time.
Life is easier when you understand and accept the need to change and adapt throughout your lifetime on earth. We can not live eternally without changing and adapting our habits, knowledge and more important: our beliefs and patterns
You are convinced this is insurmountable and everything stops right here, unless you come to see me so we can change this pattern which stops you from growing in a quick ever changing environment. A lack of faith in yourself is also a ​pattern which stops you from making the right choices but will also determine a behaviour you do not choose for but you will have to live with it forever, unless you come to see me so we can change this pattern which will change without suffering and whatever the cause (for example a trauma) your life forever.
Lack of self-confidence is also a pattern that prevents you from making the right choices, but it will also determine a behaviour that you will not have chosen, but that you will have to live with forever, unless you come to see me so that we can change this pattern that will change without you suffering forever and whatever the cause (or for example the trauma).
Stress is everywhere and prevent you from living a harmonious happy life. Feel free to learn about the functionning of your brain and 'how to de-stress in less than 5 minutes' on
Often people know what they hate or what they do not want in life but never thought about what they really want instead.

I use LIVE THE CONNECTION as it is a peaceful, quick and efficient way enabling truly free and conscious choices by dismantling disturbing habits and so help you how to get your life back and on track, the way you want!


Do you recognise one of these feeling or situations?
Chronic bad temper, 
Perfectionism, a compulsion to be always in control, thinking that other people are stupid and inefficient, irritability from other's behaviours, fear of failure, performance anxiety, 

Lack of energy, lack of concentration, feeling overworked or burnt out, always pressured for time,  fierce suffering from painful to degrading cancer treatments,

Lack of self confidence, and trusting oneself and others, due, among other things,  to having been subjected to unacceptable behaviour such as physical, emotional, mental ans spiritual abuse. 
Difficulty to connect with others, poor working relationships, in constant and futile search for loving relationships, loneliness, anxiety attacks, fear of rejection, insecurity, to be stuck in a destructive relationship,

Negative mindset, feeling dysfunctional (you do not feel good about yourself),

Several health problems, headaches, proneness to injury or accidents, difficulty in conceiving, poor nutrition behaviour, insomnia, dyslexia, being poor at languages or mathematics

Persistent lack of money, having desires but being unable to fulfil them, a nagging feeling that life is against you, ...


It is time here and now to work

on these thoughts and feelings

and  improve your life rightaway!
While I give you the tools to grow and heal, you remain at all times the Captain who decides and controls his life.

Meet Olivier
Why Naturopathy


LIVE THE CONNECTION is a life-changing method to resolve all your stress related problems.

LIVE THE CONNECTION offers you easy-to-learn, effective pragmatic strategies to put de-stressing and so healing into practice in your every day life.

When I apply LIVE THE CONNECTION I help you to overcome the turmoil of personal difficulties, relationship and health problems and even money issues.


LIVE THE CONNECTION helps you to have a de-stressed brain, which is a 'connected brain'.

  • It eliminates any form of stress and trauma: past, present or future's

  • It boosts your immune system

  • It enhances concentration

  • It enables truly free and conscious choices by dismantling disturbing habits

It is inspired by dr. Marina Riemslagh’s extensive studies and more than 25 years of experience as an international counsellor. This powerful method is rooted in solid scientific knowledge of neuroscience, psychology and brain research. In my opinion, we will also be able to explain what really happens in the years to come thanks to quantum science.


Neuroscience teaches us that we can only be at peace when the differents parts of our brain are working well together: then we have a ‘brain in sync’. When the parts of our brain are not well connected, our brain is in stress. As a consequence, our immune system is suppressed. We have difficulty in concentrating and we don’t really like ourselves or others. Consequently, we do not behave as we would if we had the ability to make choices freely without the impediment of stress.

We are happy to present to you a way to overcome stress and to resolve any problems that hinder you from having the life you want. Using LIVE THE CONNECTION dissolves stress by unifying your brain.


LIVE THE CONNECTION is also a wonderful way to reprogram your subconscious:

  • to transform burdensome patterns and relationships into sustaining, uplifting ones

  • in any area of your life – physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, at home or outside

LIVE THE CONNECTION enables you to experience how easy it is to resolve your problems in a sustainable manner. Because LIVE THE CONNECTION works on the subconscious, short and long term results are achieved. Problems are dissolved, allowing you to move in the direction of your true desires for your life. 


LIVE THE CONNECTION is easy and user-friendly. It empowers you to work on your subconscious yourself and with others. In addition, LIVE THE CONNECTION removes the necessity of reliving or even remembering painful memories to get rid of traumas. It is quick and powerful because it harnesses the incredible power of the subconscious, a power a million times stronger than the conscious mind.


LIVE THE CONNECTION results in love, health and abundance,

peace in yourself and with others. 

Why Feet Reflexology?

                  Because of its multiple benefits.


What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is an alternative treatment for a variety of conditions and has been in use for thousands of years. The ancient Chinese and Egyptians have documented practices similar to reflexology as a treatment for certain afflictions. It involves the reflexologist applying pressure to specific areas in the hands, feet, and ears that affect certain reflex areas of the body.

Imagine there is a connection between zones of your feet and hands that represent certain areas of your body that can be adjusted or managed through these zones. A lot of the theory behind reflexology has to do with aligning your qi, but even for those who normally don’t invest much in this discipline, there are plenty of studies that have supported the claims of reflexologists.

It is not widely accepted in the medical world, but thousands of physicians across the globe have been using reflexology for generations, with surprisingly positive results. If there are treatments for more than a dozen health conditions affecting various parts of the body, isn’t it worth giving reflexology a try?


The benefits of reflexology include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increase energy, boost circulation, induce a deep state of relaxation, and eliminate toxins from the body. Moreover, it helps stimulate the central nervous system, prevent migraines, and treat urinary tract conditions.
This type of massage speeds up recovery after an injury or surgery, reduces sleep disorders, and relieves depression and pain. It also helps ease the treatment of various types of cancer and even soothe the pain of pregnancy, even the one occurring after delivery.

Whether you work in an office, a factory, a field, a hospital, or anything in between, there is a good chance that you put a lot of weight and stress on your feet every day. It is not always the back, stress can manifest itself in the other parts of our body too. People often opt for massages, so it makes sense that there should be foot massages too, right? Reflexology is much more than a foot massage, but at its foundation, that’s the easiest way to describe the process. This specific area of massage therapy also includes hands and ears, making it a holistic massage.

FOOT REFLEXOLOGY enables you to experience  a deep state of relaxation which allows you to reduce sleep disorders and relieves depression and pain. It ease the treatment of various types of cancer. Prevent migraines and treat urinairy tract conditions.


FEET REFLEXOLOGY results in increased energy, a circulation boost,

toxins elimination and a deep state of relaxation. 

tree trunk with disorders or negative emotions to be dealt with

Long-term stress ensures that we are always 'on'. Our energy reserves are quickly being used up. Stress hormones cause sleep problems (so that that supply is not replenished), energy to maintain our immune system is no longer available in the long run. As a result, we become ill more often and stay sick for longer. In short: we are caught up in a downward spiral that ultimately leads to anxiety or depression.
As usual with LIVE THE CONNECTION, we go to the source - without having to relive the situation - and
build-up again the right beliefs and patterns, and a healthy lifestyle.


Chronic fatigue syndrom is a complex subject which requires several skills and methods to make it bearable. With the help of LIVE THE CONNECTION, feet reflexology and time, I can help you to reach that goal.

Immune system

Problems occuring with the immune system are also very complicated and always require time to get solved. I look first at your energy level and make sure you have enough rest so your body recovers from the daily mental and physical stress. Second I analyse in detail data from food habits (fruit), alcohol consumption and overweight and change where necessary the beliefs and patterns.
It is also extremely important to have a healthy lifestyle.

Weight Loss/Gain

A weight problem can have several causes.
Together we look for the cause and then, like pealing an onion, we eliminate bit by bit the source and surroundings to feel more and more comfortable until the desired result is achieved.


Burn-out is een psychologic term for the feeling to be burned out. We can see a burn-out appearing months or even years in advance as there is a long history of overload and serious stress complains. Typical  caracteristics are:
1. Emotional exhaustion: a feeling of extreme fatigue and low energy.

2. Cynism: loose touch with the work or people.

3. Reduced personal competence: lower achievements and less succesful.
The most inspired, ambitious and committed employees are sensitive to burn-out. Stress builds up gradually and there is an ever-increasing imbalance between effort and relaxation, giving and receiving, control and letting go, matter to work with LIVE THE CONNECTION and possibly with feet reflexology. 

Negative beliefs

Immune system


Self Esteem








(Chronic) Stress

During one counselling session, I teach you how to recognise stress signals and stress behaviours (in order to prevent them), how to De-stress through 'The ABCs of De-stressing' and how to use it in your daily life.
Chronic stress can also be dealt with but it will take more time.



With the loss of a parent, a child, a husband or a spouse or a very close friend, some may experience a lack of time and struggle with saying goodbye. During a counselling session I teach you a positive way of mourning: you learn how to deal with loss and possibly how to grow and become stronger instead of falling deeper into sadness.

Inner growth & spiritual development

Sometimes we have difficulty expressing or doing certain things, or they don't happen the way we want them to. We feel like we are missing something without knowing what neither how to find it. (Black) thoughts and unconscious behaviour patterns such as for instance anxiety can block us. I help you to (possibly find and) eliminate them, until you turn them into what you want so that you can go on with your life.




Love and relationships

In case of stress we are not 'our best self' and we do things (including physical and mental pain) that we do not realise and which we regret afterwards ... if they are told to us. The other is always to blame and is even an enemy and must therefore be eliminated in one way or another in order to be able to live safely. This causes considerable and irreparable damage. With LIVE THE CONNECTION, we go quickly back to the past and not only reconcile ourselves, but also learn to forgive and to be forgiven so that we can be fully in love mode without ballast. Cleaning up past and present relationships is no superfluous luxury, it is a real must!

Family patterns

Although it seems hard to believe, we all have family beliefs inherited from our ancestors (through their genes) and their daily influence can disrupt and ruin our lives: grandfather and father died in their forties (I will follow them too), have friends, find a good husband, be healthy and happy,.... seem to be a real problem in my family.
Through the ultimate LIVE THE CONNECTION process I can change that forever and make your life much easier and more enjoyable. It is obvious that the person's base must be clean and solid before operating this effective process, which may require a few sessions before-hand. Anyway, after the necessary sessions, the end result is amazing.

Transgressive behaviour and more ... (e.g. abuse) makes you break contact with everyone because you have been made exclusive by the perpetrator, which automatically makes you a victim. You have lost your own room because you now share it with the (absent) perpetrator, which usually undermines your self-esteem and puts you in a situation of guilt. It can take different (sometimes subtle) forms: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. At your own rhythm, we will follow a beautiful path to undo this.

Transgressive behaviour
(including abuse)
The special ones - unexplainable

You can't drive more than 5 to 10 km from your home (for fear)... without knowing why. Annoying. One or two sessions and you drive everywhere as before. 
You are scared to death of spiders - you scream! It is difficult to live with. After a few sessions together, you look at them without any fear.
You have an allergy and you have become accustomed to the idea that it is for life. I check if this is the case and if not, I help you to get to the unconscious cause (which may take some time) and eliminate it. Nothing will then ever be the same again.
You are very often sad and you can't get rid of it. It weighs you down. I help you to reduce (make bearable) or even eliminate this sadness, depending on what you want and how much time you want to spend on it.

You have difficulty coping with or even enduring your environment (a suicidal child, a very sick spouse, an unbearable colleague at work,...). I give you some techniques to let go and help you see things in a new perspective so that you can better deal with the situation and eventually help yourself and the other person.

There is always a solution. It is only a matter of will, belief and time!


Cancer and more ...

Cancer can be seen as a chronic disease because in many cases it comes back. In this case, treatment doses are increased, or other treatments are tried, the only response found so far in oncology. One can also work on the energetic level rather than the chemical level. Our whole being is managed by the brain. And the brain can provoke a disease as a cry of alarm, for want of anything better, in relation to a state, a situation. It is for example a strong inner emotion that it can no longer tolerate. Finding it and solving it allows the brain to restore the state, the situation before this suffering and therefore to be well.  In the meantime, I first reduce (sometimes relieve) your pain, and then I give you back your energy and desire to live.




I had a burn-out without first knowing and then even accepting it. Olivier subtly took me on the road to energy recovery, to the importance of health and to the realisation that life can look completely different and become easy and more beautiful.
He helped me discover my talents and use them to start a new more tailor-made carreer.
At home, I have become more comfortable. 
Letting go was the hardest thing (and still is sometimes) and took longer then expected, but it was easier than initially thought it would be and certainly worth it. Thank you Olivier, for these insights and for this new better life.

— Carine B.

Services & Tariffs


Weight loss






Immune system

Negative beliefs



Self esteem


Follow Up




Smile, Be Free & Happy, Shine

Live, Share

Give & receive

The Sky is the Limit


Servces & Tariffs

Before your visit

Services & Fees


Weight loss


tree trunk with disorders or negative emotions to be dealt with
tree trunk with disorders or negative emotions to be dealt with




Self esteem



Follow Up

After your visit

beautiful smiling lady

Smile, Be Free & Happy, Shine

Live, Share

Give & receive


The Sky is the Limit


"Yesterday I was clever,
so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

"The price of ignorance is greater than the investment in personal and business development."


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Contact Info


+32 (0)2 428 60 72

Belgische Onafhankelijkheidslaan 120 - 1081 Brussels
Berkendreef 7 - 1700 Dilbeek 



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