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The information provided is for information purposes only and may be changed at any time without (further) notice.
The authors take the greatest care to ensure the quality of the information. However, the authors of the websites cannot be held responsible or liable for any damage that has occurred as a result of inaccuracy, incompleteness or illegality of the content of the website.
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Olivier De Breucker, owner of 'oli-love', hereby declares that he regards regular medicine as the basis of healthcare and that he, not being medically trained, cannot make diagnoses or question treatments as a result of medical conclusions.
The individual session counselling, coaching or training provided by him is only a possible support and is complementary. It does not replace any medical treatment or medication, psychological or psychiatric counselling. Olivier De Breucker cannot accept any responsibility for withholding information on this matter. If you have any important symptoms or doubts, always consult your doctor first.
Olivier De Breucker provides the content of the web page in the state in which it is actually located, without warranty or guarantee with regard to the soundness, suitability for a particular purpose or anything else. This website is updated and/or supplemented on a regular basis.